2010년 12월 10일 금요일

Know more detail with keyword density in seo techniques to be better in the search engines results pages

Keyword density is one factor used in the seo techniques. Keyword density is number of times your selected keyword display on a web page. With more and more sophisticated the search engine crawlers, so the ability to analyze a page has almost approached by humans. If keyword density is too often, certainly not going to make a comfortable guests so that search engines will consider as spam.

A few months ago, I found a blog with the keyword "jobs in usa" got first rank in the Google search engine. Because the keyword "jobs in the usa" compete with more than 310 million pages, of course made me curious and I visit those sites. Apparently, after I opened multiple pages on that blog, many strange things I encounter, that is using keywords over and over and not fair to write keywords that are associated with the keyword "jobs in usa".

After a month, I try to check again the keyword "jobs in usa" and I no longer see the blog on the main page of Google search results. Out of curiosity, I try to check the site:blog.name in the Google, and obviously I do not find that page and I can be sure that Google has deleted the site in their database and one factor is keyword density, because Google is banning spam. I am sure, that blog owner are certainly regret the incident.

Did the incident you've experienced?
In modern seo techniques, the use of keyword density is only deemed important by the search engines if the appropriate places. If we writing the keyword density in every rows, we will ge the incident as above because, the seacrh engine will mark as spam.

Then, how many of the most appropriate keyword density on a page?
Based on my experience and opinions from many SEO experts, the best ratio of keyword density is 3-5%. If less than 3%, it would be difficult to keywords index in the search engine, and if more than 5%, search engines will mark as spam. Once again, this measure is based on my experience and I know from many SEO experts. If you are interested, you can try yourself. I hope this article usefull for us. If you have any questions about keyword density, please ask via comment form.

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