2010년 12월 10일 금요일

Tips to avoid the forbidden grip on the iPhone 4 smartphone

Tips to avoid the forbidden grip on the iPhone 4 smartphoneComplaints about 'disability' on the iPhone 4 smartphone begins to appear and has been recognized by Apple. It turns out, is there a way forbidden in holding the iPhone 4. How do I avoid it?

Many users have reported, when the iPhone 4 grasped with his left hand, the telecommunications signals to be reduced or even lost. This is certainly a little trouble those who like to call in his left hand, especially for a lefty.

Apple also has acknowledged the existence of this problem and advising iPhone users not to hold four cell phone in a certain way. Is forbidden grip is holding the phone with the fingers touching the slit in the side of the mobile phone. Especially, call Apple, avoid clutching the lower left corner of the iPhone 4 smartphone.

What Happened?

On the iPhone Apple has moved the action four cellular signal from the antenna of the phone (as in the previous generation iPhone) to the side of the phone. Note that the components of the antenna is actually still there at the bottom of the phone, but the phone is made of metal will help the signal reception.

On the iPhone four lines also appear black. It really is a gap that helps move the action of the antenna signal reception from the bottom to the side of the phone.

As presented by Spencer Webb, an antenna designer from Antennasys Inc., that might be intended to improve signal reception. "This may improve the isotropy of the radiation pattern, but only if the phone was in the air," said Spencer.

Unfortunately, the placement of that gap has weaknesses. Spencer says - as has been didemokan by many iPhone users 4 - touching the slit with your fingers, or make short circuit between the two, will disrupt the signal reception capability.

This is why there's grasp on the use of banned iPhone 4 smartphone. Although the grip of that kind has been widely shown in the demo also made by Apple's own party.

How to Avoid?

Now, Spencer also said that in the previous generation iPhone, there are ways to avoid negative effects from the hand grip on the mobile phone signal. This is done by putting the phone in the pocket, the screen facing your body, and using a Bluetooth headset.

But on the iPhone 4, due to the action of existing antennae on the phone, this would not have much effect. In fact, according to Spencer, it could be the iPhone 4 smartphone would be worse if used in a pants pocket.

There are two alternatives that can be done four iPhone smartphone users:

1. Using a Vulcan-style grip. This means holding a mobile phone with finger position grappler separate pairs, such as the Vulcan greeting in Star Trek and not meeting the usual four human fingers.
2. Using a chassis that is able to avoid contact between the fingers with the iPhone 4. This casing will be at your fingertips as an insulator to metal parts without compromising the ability of the iPhone 4 catch the signal.

Apparently, the second way is the most sane to be done. Moreover, in addition to sweeten the look, did not wearing casing 4 will also help protect the iPhone from scratches that might occur in the body.

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