2010년 12월 10일 금요일

Until the End of the Year, Nokia Still Have 10 Mobile Again

Until the End of the Year, Nokia Still Have 10 Mobile AgainIn order for market share was eroded, PT Nokia Indonesia will spend about five to 10 new products in the rest of the year 2010.

Legi Soegianto, Product Manager of Nokia said, competition in the mobile industry is extremely tight to make the company must release a minimum of two products per month. It said intense competition has been underway since last year.

"Besides, we also have to adjust to market needs both new users and who want to replace the cell phone," said Legi to Kontan, Friday (9/3/2010).

So far, Nokia has released approximately 15 new products. That way, the total new model that Nokia released this year reached 20 models to 25 models. Some Nokia phones throughout 2010 including the X5, X2, C1, C6, C3, D5, and D3. All new phones are targeting all segments, ranging from the lower middle segment up to the top. This is reflected in the price of Nokia phones that range from Rp 300,000 to Rp 5.6 million per unit.

In the near future the company will release this month and N8 E5 next month. E5 is a business phone that offers a quick-office applications. There are also features push-mail, chat, and camera 5 megapixel (mp). To support their work, this phone is also equipped with internal memory of 250 megabits (MB), the external memory 2 gigabit (GB), and 32 MB microSD. This phone will be sold in the range of USD 2 million per unit.

The N8 is a mobile high-tech high-end mobile phones with camera 12 MP. "This will be a 12 MP camera phone with the first in the portfolio of Nokia," said Legi promote. This camera also implement HDMI technology that allows video capture clearer. Consumers can also edit videos on the phone or even connect with a PC. Applications Dolby speakers also made clear phone voice. N8 will be sold in the range of Rp 5 million per unit.

With the pounding the market with a total of about 20 models up to 25 new models, Nokia is optimistic this year could maintain its position as market leader. "Our market share is still above 30 percent this year and we hope to survive the market leader," said Legi

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