2010년 12월 10일 금요일

Google Chrome Invite Indonesia Improve Local Existence

Google Chrome Invite Indonesia Improve Local ExistenceTo encourage the use of Indonesia's Chrome browser, Google does not just translate all the menus are in Indonesian language. Google also encourages the development of local content in the browser is uniquely Indonesian.

How? Chrome browser feature seems to have named the extension that allows anyone to add additional applications. We have dozens of Indonesian special applications that can be used as an extension of Google Chrome.

One application provides direct navigation menu to access the latest news updates from Kompas.com. Google Chrome users who install the extension could mngintip teraktual news without having to open a new page or tab and type the address Kompas.com. Only by know-click the icon at the top right of your browser will display a list of recent articles in the column and select the channel and stay attractive for display in a new tab.

Other extensions in the form of a theme to change the background image browser Chrome. There is now some theme like idol figures Persija striker Bambang Pamungkas, artist Dian Sastrowardoyo, cartoon characters Benny & Mice, as well as the Sumatran tiger theme bautan WWF. There is also information fil from Cineplex, Forums, and Kapanlagi.

"We want this extension continues to grow into the thousands over and over again," said Andrew McGlinchey, Head of Product Management Google Southeast Asia on the sidelines of a press conference the launch of Google Chrome version of Indonesia in Jakarta, Tuesday (06/22/2010).

According to Andrew McGlinchey, support for local content is one key to success selaun browser speed, practicality, and safety. Google also has to make Indonesia as one of the important markets today.

"Pertunbuhan Internet users in Indonesia is very high and is still much we can do here," he said. Every time new product launches, continued Andrew McGlinchey, Google will attempt to bring in the local version to potential markets such as Indonesia.

Google user growth in Indonesia was recognized very high. Andrew claims, the number of users of Google services in Indonesia are still growing double digits every year without mentioning the exact amount.

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